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At the International Baptist College, values are integrated into every lesson and are at the core of every related learning experience. Though information has exploded from the digital world, IBC continues to inspire collaboration, communication and creation inspired by compassion, love of God and humanity. Learning to know, to do, to be and to live like Jesus is what we teach at IBC.


IBCS is committed to providing globally competent education through the continuous improvement of its facilities, services, learning tools and attainment of above quality objectives in conformance to world class standards for academic excellence.


IBCS shall progress into an outstanding institute of learning that will generate academically excellent leaders marked by distinctively Christlike character.


IBCS believes that the heart of education is the education of the heart attained by approaching all discernment in light of morality and love of God and mankind thus producing principled, expert, human resource in diverse professions.

Alma Matter

Through the halls of IBCS,
Hear the Savior’s call
Send the gospel to all people
Show them Christ is all
Colors blue and white
A distinctive Christian College
Giving truth and light
Pour our hearts in adoration
Lift your praises high
And the virtues to all nations
Tell as years roll by

Pledge To The Bible

I pledge allegiance to the Bible,
God’s Holy Word,
I will make it a lamp unto my feet
and a light unto my path
and will hide its words in my heart
that I might not sin against Him.

Pledge To The Christian Flag

I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag,
and to the Savior
for whose Kingdom it stands;
one Savior, crucified, risen,
and coming again with life
and liberty to all who believe.

"For the Heart of Education is the education of the Heart"

– Dr. Gavino S. Tica
PhD, DD, DRE, DTh, DMin, DEd, Founder of IBC

Courses Offered

School Year 2020-2021 Schedules